Tuesday, November 20, 2007

The White House is missing! Ogling Dana Perino

WhiteHouse.gov seems to be giving me a 404 - File Not Found error today.... Wait, spoke too soon. I guess I caught them in the middle of a change.

Anyway, the Prime Minister of Japan visited the other day. It's amazing how they sneak these guys in and out. It's like you've got to watch the news to catch it or something. Maybe I get more of my news from The Daily Show than I'd like to admit.

On a side note, there still is no new WH video for the renovated Press Briefing Room, and we're two press secretaries behind now. Nor do we have any new pictures of the press secretary's office, even just during a press gaggle.


  1. The Daily Show? Hmmm. I think I'll try that. I usually get my news from that tower of truth and straightforwardness, "The Onion"!

  2. There haven't been any press pics of the PS office because I haven't authorized it yet [smug strut]. :D


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