Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Cheese it! The fuzz!

The president has been posing with groups again. One is of a delegation of state police in full uniform. I find it interesting in this great union of states how the uniforms of state troopers vary so widely, with inspiration that seems to come from Canadian mounties, the US Army, forest rangers, Old West sheriffs, and beat cops from the 1940s. None of them seem interested in those pointy helmets the British bobbies wear, tho....

And who's for changing the draperies in the State Dining Room? The current ones are so busy they seem to have three small children and a second job.


  1. Actually, I like the State Dining Room Curtains. They blend well with the rug. And, I think they go well in there, especially if one doesn't want gold draperies overdone.

  2. yeah I noticed that it matched the rug. I don't mind it. I can see where Derek is coming from.

  3. Love the Dudley Dooright look for the police. It's sooo retro. Nell must be tied to the railroad tracks out of camera range.
    Don't even get me started about the draperies. Those have been a sore in my eye for a long time.
    Please, someone change them.

  4. I like the draperies (and the rug). The gold was too overdone. Leave the gold for the East Room (I know everbody want's the Red back there).

  5. I think the draperies were meant to add a homey touch to the dining room where as all the other drapery treatments are so "over the top". On another topic, anyone seen today's Time White House Photo Blog?? Looks like they're obscuring the North facade with more plantings. Eventually you won't be able to see any of the WH from the street- which, for security reasons, is probably the intension!

  6. No, I definitely do NOT want red back in the East Room.

  7. At first I didn't like the drapes in the SDR, but they have grown on me.

  8. Anyone notice that The White House site has not updated the Green Room picture, or info about the 2007 redecoration of the room?
    I'll bet if Jackie were in residence such an obvious oversight would not be tolerated!!

  9. I think that while to us any change in a room is a big deal, when I look at the changes they probably don't amount to much change at all, or even enough for the White House to merit a press conference, online tour etc.


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