Monday, November 5, 2007

Oval Office

Stumbled across this piece on the Clinton redecoration of the Oval Office. Among other things, it mentions the cost of rug: $28,500.

UPDATE: Got the link working. Blogger has been keeping me from posting at all and still isn't working right. I can't get it to insert the picture directly....


  1. Can't open the link, but I'd love to see what was spent.
    I thought his rug was unique, not the beiges and ecrus usually used, and I wonder if anyone else will ever use it because of that. Pretty rug though.
    I doubt Hillary would use it. She'd go for the flowers and pinks.

  2. Maybe Hillary will go for the same color she uses on the upholstery in the solarium?

  3. Ewww!
    Let's hope for the State Dining Room flowers and pinks instead of that. Lesser of the evils!!

  4. Sorry. I've been having trouble getting Blogger to post.

  5. This piece? What piece? I want a piece too. : )

  6. John,
    You behave yourself, mister. ;)


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