Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Press Briefing Room

Briefing room is due to be unveiled today. Pete points out that around 8:00 AM "people may want to try to tune in to CNN or something like that to see George and Laura host the unveiling ceremony." I'll post updates during the day as better pics become available. I expect Time's WH Photo of the Day to have a good one early.

WH release
WH fact sheet

ABC/AP story, with gut-wrenching "President Bush is a real cut-up" lede.
Examiner/AP story, same writer, leaving the excrutiating turns of phrase to the president.

FLASH: Hou Chron's Julie Mason rocks the inside scoop--pool pics!


  1. I watched it live on NBC. I like it. It's not a spectacular change but it's good. I don't mind the back-drop. The blue door and the white pillars look nice behind the podium.

    I'm curious what the back-screens will look like with the illustrations they plan to exhibit.

    And he pretty much confirmed that the pool is still there.

    I'd imagine that most Americans will shrug, that not much seems different, but the point being that it was more about making it better for the press than the viewer.

  2. Getty Images has some nice pics.

  3. Historic: To attach structural beams, only a dozen wall tiles were removed (and salvaged) from the swimming pool. Otherwise, the swimming pool has been preserved (50' x 15' x 8' deep).

  4. Julie Mason has pics of the pool as of today. Check What's New!

  5. Gone is the trap door in front of the podium, replaced by the new stairs.

    While reports are that this eliminates the wiring running everywhere around the seats, journalist John Roberts said this morning, "Well, we'll see how long that lasts."

    Those seats look like something out of star trek.

    Getty Images has some pics of Snow doing the briefing with the two screens behind him. Interesting.

  6. Derek - a little off-topic, but I just saw on CNN.com that Lady Bird Johnson has died at the age of 94. Just thought you mike like to know. She was a very great lady and she will be much missed.

  7. I meant to say *might* like to know. Sorry.

    Was she the last of the principal figures involved in the events of November 22, 1963?

  8. God Bless and Keep Mrs. Johnson's family. She was first-class and will be missed.


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