Wednesday, July 4, 2007

Happy Independence Day

Today--more or less--marks the first anniversary of the White House Museum grand opening. There was a "soft opening" in June, but that was mainly to make sure the pH balance in the fountain was right and the security system was working. Over time, we've overcome the serious setback of being robbed by Danny Ocean and are ready for what the next year brings.


  1. HAs it been a year? Really? It seems *much* longer! : )

    Happy Independence Day to all you intrepid White House Museum blog commenters! I've really enjoyed getting to know that I'm not the only one who's really, really, really into the W.H.

    In addition to all the facinating info - and the joy of seeing the WHM website just get better and better - and the spendid pix of Our Favorite House, I've learned that some pretty bright people can live in a little Indiana town and that there can be Canadian (!) White House junkies. (it's true, eh?) And history teachers in Georgia are grooming their kids to take over the White House curator's office!

    And let's not forget the notorious "Ike Picture" mantle/wainscot hunt! Or maybe we should... (he-he-he...).

    And Dennis to give us sanity and stability!

    And now you know that it's possible to live mere blocks from Bourbon Street and still be bored on a Saturday night...

    Maybe we can have a convention some day and each dress up as our favorite State Room - like that costume ball in New York in the 1930's, where guests went as the tops of their favorite skyscrapers!

    Many, many thanks to Derek for all the time and energy and devotion he's put into this venture! I think it's wonderful to have such an amazing resource on-line, and an incredible blog where we can all exchange information and learn so much more about America's House!

  2. I don't know why I decided to Google "White House" one day last year. I really wasn't expecting to be surprised by this site. But, I'm glad I did!

    Thanks Derek!

    P.S. Just got my copy of Packard's "American Monarcy" through Amazon. Very interesting!

  3. Congrats. I am so happy to have found this community. I think I would dress up as the Queen's Bedroom. LOL.


  4. Congratulations and thanks for satisfying all my W.H. cravings!
    Looking forward to future adventures with all of you fellow junkies.Jackie's Blue Room costume for me!

    MB. (Canadian junkie)

  5. I would hang LCD monitors on myself and go as the Situation Room. But someone must go as Taft's bathtub.

  6. Dittos to the above comments! Rarely a day goes by that I don't check the site and the blog to see what's new. My hat is off to Derek for the quality of this site and for the time and attention to detail he puts into it, not to mention frequent updates!
    I have been a White House buff for years and years but there are pictures on this site that I have never seen before! Happy Anniversary and keep up the great work!

  7. I had another one of my dreams last night. But this time I did indeed have my camera. I was getting GREAT pics of the residence. You guys have no idea how excited I was. I kept thinking "The WHM guys are gonna love this!!!!" . . . . and then I woke-up. AHHHHHHHHHHHH

  8. Congrats Derek on the one year anniversary!!!! I too check out the blog daily. We all need our daily WH fix! I'm glad to know there are others who find the WH as fascinating as I do. I'm glad I found this site and all of you here!!!!

  9. Congrats to Derek! He has done a wonderful job with this site. Everything has been very well thought out- including the opportunity to leave our thoughts.
    It is very interesting to read what others think about The White House and the families who have called it home.

  10. my congratulaions to you Dennis for a wonderful website where we can discuss all things presidential without being partisan, and of the beautiful building for once, rather than it's occupant!

  11. sorry! got the names abit mixed up! i ment Derek! my apologies :)


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