Tuesday, December 26, 2006

So long, Jerry

President Gerald Ford has passed away. Surviving to 93, the longest-lived president, he had been hospitalized several times in the last year or so. While his administration was brief and not without controversy, he was a decent man who closed the book on Watergate and Vietnam. Best wishes to his family.

I've changed the front page to an image of him in the West Sitting Hall. I've also created a gallery of front pages.


  1. Rest in Peace Mr President.

    Thanks Derek. Another great selection for the main page.

  2. For us, Indonesians, Jerry Ford is a great friend of us. His political support to Indonesia to invade East Timor had changed our history. During his short administration was great years of a lovely American-Indonesia relationship. Jerry also taught us if America support a nation to be its ally, it refers not to treat it like fruit salad. "I like this, but I don't like that". Gerald Rudolph Ford is great Indonesian friend. We always remember you.


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