Friday, December 15, 2006

The new curtains

Got a note from visitor Lee pointing out the new curtains around the White House and directing me to some pics of the Library, Vermeil Room, and East Room on Flickr. Good find, Lee! I've posted them and am trying to get permission to keep them from the owner, but I can't find an e-mail address. (Mail me, Amber!)

PS-- Dennis is still reporting issues with the Blogger comment system. But I don't get any problem even when logged out and commenting as a regular user. Anybody else having trouble? I'll check the Blogger help.


  1. No troubles here.


  2. I don't think that pic is the SDR. Is that not the ER?

  3. Whoops. Of course it is.

  4. Yes, it is the ER prepared for after dinner entertainment, conversation, or refreshments. The tables are too small to be for an actual dinner, even though occasionally state dinners are served in the East Room.

    (Well, now I seem to be working.)


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