Sunday, December 2, 2007

CBS at the White House

CBS has a video interview with Laura Bush about the holiday decor. Hannah Storm: "Now I'm off to a Harper's Bazaar photo shoot -- with cardboard cutouts of the candidates!" How will she tell?

CNN has the best WH holiday pictures I've seen so far.


  1. It doesn't seem as though there's as much Christmas information available this year as in past years, but maybe it's too early. I also wish they'd leave the politics out of Laura's interviews. She has a deer in the headlights look when asked a "tough" question.
    Um, it's December. I'm eagerly anticipating the December cover picture at the museum!!

    My $.02 on this snowy morning.

  2. I agree! It's almost like everything else that has been done decoration wise at the WH--very low key. Almost too low key. I would love to see pictures of the rooms decorated for Christmas--especially the newly renovated Green Room.

  3. Exactly, Becky & mimlog.....just waiting for the new cover!!

  4. By the way, I just received the new "Entertaining at the White House with Nancy Reagan". Fabulous pictures of social events during Ronnie & Nancy's time at the WH. She sure knew how to throw a party. Lots of table setting pics & menus. Great photos too....especially one dinner in the Rose Garden with twinkling lights in Jackson's magnolia - enchanting!!

  5. I just got that too. An excellent book with a lot of details of the Reagans entertaining. Both the President and Mrs. Reagan had a lot of style!

  6. Bigtime snowy in Cincinnati today - all these Christmas decorations and not a single Mardi Gras decoration in sight... Most peculiar...

    Fa la la la la, la la la la....

    I think the new cover ought to be Derek in a Santa Claus suit...

    : )

  7. I want to congratulate the group on the art of subtleness.

    I felt bad for Laura (seriously)because I believe that in that kind of a setting, political questions are out of bounds. The reporter was there to see the tree, not ask about Hilary. I thought the dogs' arrival was perfectly timed.

    Did you all notice the McKim sofa?

  8. On another note - I have seen the Reagan book and I doubt that I will buy it. There's really not enough pictures of the White House itself. Hilary's book does a far better job of that. I am looking forward to seeing the book on the President's Table - food and diplomacy. Now, that sounds delicious!

  9. I have both books and am somewhat disappointed in The President's Table. It more or less comes off as a book about Barry Landeau's personal collection of White House memorbilia. I do very much like the Nancy Reagan pictures (although there are not that many pictures of the WH) and I agree the Hillary book is more informative.


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