Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Wingnut's Workings

Thank you Derek for allowing me to be a guest author in this blog of yours. It's a true honor. Derek's purpose here is to allow me to announce key achievements in the progress of White House 3D modeling. So from time to time once a model is complete, I will let you fine folks know what's new. I just wanted to post this message to clarify the current goal.

The interior model being worked on right now is the West Wing. I won't be giving the West Wing model to Derek until it is totally complete. After that I will begin modeling the entire Main Residence. Once a room is complete, the model will be sent to Derek and made available to you. This way you won't have to wait until the entire house is done to enjoy the progress.

The reason I chose do the West Wing first is that it gives me a chance to practice methods that conserve computer memory thus making it easier for you to navigate the models. If there's any part of the White House I want to get right and as detailed/efficient as possible - it's the Residence. Computers vary in their processing power. If at any time you find the model to be slow, or the textures of the furniture disappear momentarily while you are navigating a model, this can be a memory issue or a video-card issue. I certainly would never expect people to do hardware upgrades just to view my models. I just wouldn't want you to be frustrated over navigation problem without knowing what may be causing it.

My one caveat in this is that detail will be important to me but in some cases it will be impossible to get every detail correct like certain crown moldings, certain fabrics, or certain rugs. Every effort will be made to balance detail with computer-efficiency. If you are hoping to zoom in on the relief-detail of a Monroe chair you may be disappointed, but it will look reasonably accurate.

Again I thank you for the kind comments so far, and as always I appreciate Derek's support and encouragement.

Pete :)


  1. Wingnut, we are not worthy!!!!!

  2. Yes, yes you *are* worthy! WAY worthy. Just please stay a peaceful people, OK? : )


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