Monday, October 8, 2007

Photo gallery

I've posted the first batch of photos (from day 3, actually) in a gallery on Fotki. I'll post day 1 and day 2 in the next couple of days.

UPDATE: I've posted all the photos now.



    Great pics. When I was in DC in June I noticed the WH window deal. What's up no curtains? I agree it must be some new security thing with windows. I am sure George and Laura are more private than that LOL.


  2. Very nice pics -

    What's that weird thing on the White House roof near the elevator shaft? A "security thing"? Eeewwww! Please don't let that be permenant! There's GOT to be a better way to do that! GOT to!

    Lord, I rememger my niece Molly dragging me into the Natural History museum to look at the Wooley Mammoths... I wanted to go over the the American History museum and look at the reproduction of Mc Kim's entrance hall...

  3. I hope it's not another secret service lookout like the one on the left side of the pediment. I'm still not over that monstrosity!

  4. Maybing its a smoking hut LOL. Doesn't Laura smoke?

  5. Alice Roosevelt used to go up on the roof to smoke. Teddy said "No smoking under my roof, young lady!" - so Alice went up and sat on top of the roof to smoke...

  6. Wow. that solar competition looks like they decorated the mall with a snow blower. What a mess.

  7. Steve, look at Derek's photo 150. I'm not sure, but it seems I can see curtains there. It could be reflection from outdoors though. I dunno.
    I think I read Laura is trying to quit smoking. I wonder if they make an exception for her and allow her to smoke in a government building.

  8. Sorry, I messed up the numbering when I put them in chronological order. Think the one you're talking about is now number 10: IMG_2736.jpg.

  9. Really nice photos, Derek. Latrobe's old Supreme Court chamber is one of my all-time favorite rooms. Facinating model of the just-completed White House in the visitor's center. However, it looks like whoever made the model didn't allow for the jib-doors into the Oval Saloon... Guess they had to climb in over the window sill!

  10. By jingo, you're right! How funny to have researched and build that wooden platform and then forgotten that they needed some way in and out of the building!


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