Monday, December 15, 2008


You asked for it (or sat quietly with an expectant look on your face)—you got it: the inimitable Peter Sharkey has provided us with the Residence sub-basement and basement mezzanine plans from photos of the original plans (I am trying to get the source to send me scans or copies).

I have inserted them into the overall blue print and posted them on their own page. And I've created separate pages for the Dressing Room, Laundry, and AC Control Room. I'll take some time this week looking back over the Truman-era photos for more images of basement rooms.


  1. Where on Earth did you get plans for the sub-basements? Amazing...I though I had seen every thing that was out there...please put them up here.

    You--and the contributors to this site-- continue to amaze me.

  2. A question concerning the sub-basement(s): Are there two complete floors, or is there one deep basement with high ceilings and mezzanine levels at one or two places?

    Enjoying the program. Congrats to you, Derek!

    Are they using the northeast corner room (Queens' Suite) as the one place in the White House that will never see a makeover? That wallpaper dates to the Kennedys!

  3. Sorry for posting that first question. A visit to the "basement" page would have told me what I wanted to know.
    How did the dentist get relegated to the netherworld? Win a hand of bridge against Ike?


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