Thursday, December 4, 2008

Capitol Visitor Center

The new Capitol Visitor Center opened the other day. I'm sure it's very nice, but what do the think the White House could do with $625 million in renovation funding? Add on 625 more balconies? Give the press corps a cafeteria? The mind boggles.


  1. I'm actually hoping that the Capitol Visitors Center reinvigorates the plan for the subterainean WH Visitors Center plan that was afoot about 10 years ago--pre 9/11. One entered from a point near the current Visitors Center in the Commerce Building, then went underground and boarded movable pedways where you passed changing exhibits, pieces of art and furniture, movies, etc. By the time you reached the East Wing, you came upstairs and went on the regular tour. There was space for cafeterias, bathrooms, gift shops. And tourists would never have to wait outside in the heat and the cold. The plan also included extensive parking facilities under the Elipse and lots of service facilities. I remember the plan called for all of Lafayette Square to be tunnelled under so that service deliveries could be made at the New Executive Office Building and then transported under ground through these tunnels, making security checks at those funny metal buildings currently on East Executive Avenue unneccesary.

    Anyway, it will be interesting to see if the completion of the Capitol project will ignite interest at the White House.

  2. Derek:

    Off topic but, a local radio station here in DC plugged your website the other day. It was pretty cook hearing them talk about the third floor music room.

  3. "cook" should be "cool"


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