Tuesday, April 1, 2008

New front page - Ike in the theater

President Eisenhower sits quietly and comfortably in his easy chair in the Family Theater, where he spent so many hours watching western after western. No foolin'.


  1. I guess black tie lounging was all the rage in the 50s. Must have been a guy flick. Nary a woman there.

  2. cool picture, i liked the green room picture better though. Ndkott@aol.com says.

  3. Must have been one of Ike's famous "stag nights"!

    Love the picture.

  4. Seeing the photo reminds me of JBK's words, "Pullman car ashtray stands" as quoted by West.

  5. I saw that picture and immediately thought "now THAT looks like a happening party!"

    What does everyone think of the theater since Laura Bush re-did it? I know this came up a few weeks ago. I think it looks very 1920's....

  6. I actually don't mind the red. Initially I thought maybe it was tacky but when it comes to a movie environment red is more appealing/exciting for me.

  7. Where did all the women go?!!
    There are no women in that photo..
    Oh well maybe they were upstairs
    baking cookies...

  8. Or watching their *own* movie. ;-)
    Mamie was probably upstairs decorating, though - putting her fodder shocks, witches and pumpkins in the Center Hall for Halloween.
    The woman loved to decorate. I'm not sure she was fond of baking though. I think Ike was the chef of the family - famous for grilling.


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