Sunday, August 5, 2007

Pool party?

A crazy almost-naked guy tried to get into the White House today. The White House denied that it was Henry Kissinger thinking he was late for a pool party.


  1. Whenver I stand on Pennsylvania Avenue looking at the White House, it amazes me that anyone would try to jump the fence. It's pretty high and there are no horizontal bars for a foothold.

    At the top of each vertical bar there is a sharp, pointed tip - not a pretty picture for a fence jumper who is not fully clothed.

  2. That's just about as bizarre as a scene I saw the other day in the French Quarter - a guy running down the sidewalk, weaving in and out of tourists and passers-by clad only (and I do mean *only*)in a hospital gown, billowing around him and open at the back (full moon, so to speak) - with his hospital ID band and hospital scuffs on his feet! He appeared to be fleeing something or someone, but the closest hospital is a couple of miles uptown from there. The only other thing I can think of was that they're making a movie around town with Brad Pitt (which is most definitely wasn't) - and this guy was late for a shoot. I do *hope* that's what it was...

    I guess the White House grounds do tend to attract all sorts of crazies - or maybe it was Wingnut on one of his epic W.H. Dreams?

  3. No, Wingnut is like the wind. He's in. He's out. Nobody's the wiser.

  4. Dennis, I remember going on a garden tour of the South Lawn, back in 1992 and thinking that if I got off the paths, driveway, etc, and stepped on the grass that there were probably sensors that would detect my presense and immediately train a vaporizing ray on my person, which would turn me into a little pile of dust... I do remember thinking that and being VERY careful where I stepped! (Of course people (like gardeners and the First Family) who had a reason to be there would have a special tag or badge or something that would keep them safe while walking the grounds...)

    But you're certainly right about that fence! Ouch!


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