Friday, August 3, 2007

More from the Truman Library

Looking over the Truman renovation report again, I noticed that the west side of the third floor, aside from being labeled "pent house," is described in the New Furnishings section as "Servants' Rooms #315-#322."

That led me to search the Truman Library collection again and add a few more pictures, including a new separate page for Bathroom 315 and the Master Bathroom.


  1. Great new pics Derek. These kinds of guts-of-the-house photos are really interesting to me.

  2. Interesting stuff - That's really the only shot I've ever seen of a room in the "servant's quarters".

    As for the Master Bathroom - I wonder if that man in the bowtie with the camera (Abbie Rowe, I'm assuming) is a permanent feature of the facility? One hopes not. : )

    I wonder if they have updated the bathrooms on the 2nd. floor over the years, or if they are still cutting-edge 1952 DeLuxe! I hope they've stayed the same!


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