Thursday, June 28, 2007

Open post: Press room

Press Briefing Room and offices are apparently nearly finished. Perhaps Julie Mason will get us some pics!

Or maybe not.


  1. I just can't stop thinking about Dolley Madison with feathered arms and a reptillian snout. Arghhhhhhhhh! Make. It. Go. Away!

    Oh yeah, Press Room. Almost finished. That's nice. : )

  2. I got a look today and I can tell you all that it's got nice carpet, theater seating, lots of wires everywhere, a blue curtain behind the podium, and it even has a pool under the floor. Pretty sweet huh?

  3. Kewl. Refreshments?

  4. Friday night here in Partytown USA - feeling meh - went to the local video store and found "The Reagans" (2003), staring James Brolin as Ronnie and Judy Davis as Mommie (dearest). Didn't even know the movie existed. The only convincing White House sets are the East Sitting Hall (did you know you could see the Capitol dome from the big fan window in the West Sitting Hall? Well, you can in this movie...) and the generic Oval Office set, which is pretty good. Oh, and Nancy's Sitting/Dressing Room is well done too.

    Carl S. Anthony ( who wrote the two-volume "First Ladies" and "The Kennedy White House") was a consulting producer ( I believe he was a speechwriter for Mrs. Reagan, back in the day...) and I must say it's a pretty good movie, overall. Brolin and Davis are REALLY convincing - sometimes it's downright uncanny. Reagan's GE All Electric dream house in California is a mid-century wonder - in fact all the "California" scenes are just fab. It' worth the price of the rental to see Nancy's rendition of "Second-Hand Rose" at the Washington Gridiron Club roast!

  5. Great John. Do up a full review and submit it to Derek! I'd love to hear your thoughts.

  6. I know this isn't really what this post pertains to but I just received my copy of "The Living White House" (2007) by the White House Historical Association. It is an excellent edition, and it noted that recently the curtains in the entrance hall WERE redone recently. I guess they just went with the same design.
    Good pics of the new Lincoln Bedroom and some other shots I had not seen before. I recommend it and can't wait for the 2007 edition of "The White House: An Historic Guide!"

  7. Hi All,

    I've been away for a few days with the birth of our son--he was born last Sunday and we've been tied up with him (and all the things that go with a newborn).

    Scott, I agree with you. I purchased a copy of that a couple weeks ago in DC. It is excellent. I too cannot wait until the guidebook is updated ( I wonder if they are waiting until the Green Room is redone?) I also purchased a post card of the updated Lincoln Bedroom. It was the only one that had been changed.


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