Thursday, May 17, 2007

Yo, Blair!

The WH has posted some pretty good photos with PM Blair, including the Sit Room and Colonnade.

UPDATE: Added the pic of the new teleconference room to the Situation Room page.


  1. I believe we have our first photo of the dedicated teleconferencing room. Absent are the new digital clocks on both sides of the screen area. And there's one-big screen in the new pic, whereas the other photos show two screens at the end of the table and a camera. Look at the way the ceiling has a raised area in the middle in the post reno pics and in this new pic the ceiling is flush all the way across. And the screens to the right of bush on the wall in the new pic, see how the walls are kutting out to accomodate the screens being built-in? And the light fixtures are different. And there's no camera to the right of Bush in the new pic either. I really think it's the TC room.

  2. I meant walls are "jutting out" not kutting out.

  3. I prefer the old wood paneling, but that's just me... On the other hand, I guess it's every guy's dream to have floor-to-ceiling wall-to-wall flat screen TV monitors to watch stuff on, right? More techno-toys for the Big Boys!

  4. The problem with the wood panels was sound, it's not very ideal to sit in a room with that much sound bouncing around off hard-wood surfaces, especially if you want to have better technology. I use that kind of sound absorbing paneling and nothing bounces off it. It really works. I bet those rooms are much better to talk/listen in.


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