Wednesday, July 9, 2008

White House Historical Association tidbits

Mike B notes:
The White House Historical Association has a supplement to the Historic Guide 22ND edition [PDF]. Some great photos here, especially one of the Lincoln Sitting Room I've never seen before!
The Lincoln Sitting Room looks great, and the President's Dining Room is beautiful, altho I'm not crazy about the O'Keefe. There are also some nice photos of the West Wing rooms.

The WHHA site has been somewhat redone. While I was there I ordered a couple of the WHH journals I didn't have yet.


  1. I have been waiting for a new edition, guess I'll have to settle for the PDF. Thanks so much Derek for posting it! I guess they're waiting till the new administration takes over in January to do a new edition, since it would be out-dated in six months?

    For the most part I'm pleased with the changes, I like the Presidents Dining Room and the Lincoln Bedroom and Sitting Room the best.

  2. For those interested, there are some interesting discussions about the new photos on the White House Fanatics Facebook website. Most of the discussion is taking place in comments on the photos rather than on the discussion topics.

  3. Since open public White House tours stopped after 9/11 (when you could just hop in line along the South fence to go in), the WHHA hasn't been selling nearly as many guidebooks. This is in large part due to their no longer allowed to sell in the Bookseller's Area, the East Wing area just outside the Ground Floor Corridor entrance, where they used to maintain two carts selling books and Christmas ornaments and got great foot traffic. Not nearly as many tourists seek out their shops at the Visitor Center and on Lafayette Square. Thus they've been hesitant to go to press with a new edition when they've not been moving nearly as many copies, especially since a new president will change the Oval Office (at a minimum) and Mrs. Bush's intro would be out of date, etc., as Scott W. mentioned.

    There had also been talk of a complete redesign,but we'll have to see if that actually comes to pass.

  4. Testing...tap,tap, tap...

  5. Hey wow! It worked! I haven't been here in a while because Blogger wouldn't let me log in.

    Hi Derek - Hope you're OK!

    Yes - we're having a great time over on the Facebook site...

    "The Living White House" - which traditionally has been a companion volume to The White House Guidebook, has indeed been completely redesigned, enlarged quite a bit - both in the size of the format (larger pages) and the number of pages (I ordered a copy and have seen it "in person"). It's just a much bigger, thicker book now and well worth the new price. I strongly suspect that the new White House guide will follow suit after the election of a new president. WooHoo!


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