Friday, February 9, 2007

White House videos

John in NOLA reminded me of some White House videos I found on the CBS News web site that I could never get to run. I think I've got the wrong version of Javascript or something. If someone else can get them to play properly, let me know. If not, maybe the pages or the files themselves are actually set up incorrectly and the webmaster doesn't know it. Other videos on the CBS News site run fine for me. (Arrgh.)


  1. I can't get it to run either. And that never happenes when I play stuff.

  2. I can't get 'um to run either. Dang.

    However - a DVD of Jackie Kennedy's 1962 White House tour is available ($9.95, I think) from the John F. Kennedy Presidential Library. go to ( and then click on "First Lady" and scroll down. If you've never seen Jackie's White House tour I HIGHLY recommend it. Not only is it an incredible hour of TV, a three-floor tour of Our Favorite House, led by a brilliant and facinating lady, but it is a total period piece, easily worth the price for her hairdo alone.

  3. If the video doesn't work for anybody, what I can do is video myself talking about my dream the other night in vivid detail. After all, I did get the VIP tour ya know.

    Send me the $9.95 :D

  4. Well, OK - but for $9.95 we need pictures...

  5. Sock puppets are cool, as long as they use an overhead projector and flip-charts on an easel. : )

  6. John in nola wrote:
    "a total period piece, easily worth the price for her hairdo alone"

    I felt much the same way about the mustaches in The Gangs of New York.


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