Monday, September 18, 2006

Second floor and West Wing

A few minor adds to the second floor and West Wing and its patio.

Pete S suggested creating a page for reviews of movies that feature the White House prominently, meant to evaluate the accuracy of the portrayal. He has done The American President. Once we've got a couple more (feel free to volunteer!), I'll post it.

UPDATE: Actually, if you're reading this weblog, you're probably interested enough that I might as well let you see it in the draft stage.


  1. As a native of Illinois, I have always had great interest in Abraham Lincoln. I have on tape the TV presentation Vidal's "Lincoln." I noted that they really didn't use much care in portraying the White House. It was apparent that they were using an existing mansion for the scenes. However, they gave the false impression that Lincoln's cabinet room was on the main floor, that Lincoln's office was a different room, the upstairs oval room, and that it looked out over the north front. They used the current design of the oval office, using Victorian furniture. Even a superficial reading of any book on Lincoln would have given them the proper directions.

  2. I love the title Gore Vidal's Lincoln. It sort of implies that everyone can have their own personal Lincoln.

    You did mean this to be a review, right? I've added it to the reviews page.

  3. Another good depiction of the White House second Floor is in the 1977 film Eleanor and Franklin: The White House Years, staring Edward Herrmann and Jane Alexander in the title roles.

    The upstairs Oval Study, Center Hall, FDR's bedroom and bathroom, and ER's sitting room are portrayed in a very realistic way with halls, windows, doors and floorplans that are correct, down to the placement of the elevator.


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