Thursday, September 28, 2006
Ike on parade
Took another look at the Eisenhower Library photo repository and found a handful of photos to add to help fill out the 1950s White House. He's playing cards in the Treaty Room, looking over a space capsule in the Roosevelt Room, sitting quietly in the OO, and appearing on TV in the Library. I'd love to have a picture of his Trophy Room (YOR) or other family rooms, but these remain elusive.
Wednesday, September 27, 2006
FDR and ER
Went back thru the UMD NARA archive of Roosevelt photos more thoroly and found several photos of the FDR-era rooms that I had overlooked before. I put one in ER's Sitting Room (the Master Bedroom), one in the WW Colonnade, one in the President's Dining Room, and a couple in the Yellow Oval Room.
Presidents' bathubs
I've added a page just for the Living Room Bath to accommodate all the info I've gathered about the presidential bath, including the story of LBJ's ridiculous shower, and a nice quote from the 1952 Plumbing News that describes the Truman bathroom. This corrects the mistake I'd made by including the LBJ story in the bath sections of the Master Dressing Room page. Meanwhile, on the Master Dressing Room page, I added a picture of the Taft bathtub to illustrate the old story about Taft getting stuck in a small tub.
However, I'm a little uncertain that the quote from the Plumbing News was actually referring to the president's bathroom (Living Room Bath) rather than the Master Bath.
However, I'm a little uncertain that the quote from the Plumbing News was actually referring to the president's bathroom (Living Room Bath) rather than the Master Bath.
Books and photos
This past weekend, I got the WHHA's White House History books I ordered: Kennedy 2 and Collection 1. I pulled a pic of Caroline K's bedroom from the first, but didn't even open the other. I've also ordered some videos, but not movies to review for the work-in-progress movie page. The ones I've ordered are historical documentaries and docu-dramas.
I've also quietly added a few other pics here and there (Nixon gals in the ESH, for example), but otherwise, I've been working on my other Web site (specifically, a new page of my photos and some other stuff).
UPDATE: Fixed the ref to Caroline's bedroom. She had the east; Junior had the west.
I've also quietly added a few other pics here and there (Nixon gals in the ESH, for example), but otherwise, I've been working on my other Web site (specifically, a new page of my photos and some other stuff).
UPDATE: Fixed the ref to Caroline's bedroom. She had the east; Junior had the west.
Saturday, September 23, 2006
A return to the second floor
I'm about a third of the way thru America's First Families (which, it occurs to me, without the subtitle, could be a book about Eskimos), and twice Carl S Anthony refers to two back staircase on the west end second floor of the Residence. Previously, I had dismissed a similar reference as referring to the back staircase on the east end of the house that leads up to the Music Room, but Anthony is clear.
That leaves me wondering if maybe Margaret Truman's bathroom was completely removed or drastically reduced to a tiny lavatory to allow the kitchen spiral staircase to be extended into the second floor during the Kennedy renovation that changed her bedroom into a kitchen. This is what I had thought after exploring the kitchen elevator, but later I wasn't sure enough to keep the change.
That leaves me wondering if maybe Margaret Truman's bathroom was completely removed or drastically reduced to a tiny lavatory to allow the kitchen spiral staircase to be extended into the second floor during the Kennedy renovation that changed her bedroom into a kitchen. This is what I had thought after exploring the kitchen elevator, but later I wasn't sure enough to keep the change.
Tuesday, September 19, 2006
Where the heck is this?

Feel free to reply as a comment to this post. Nobody is using the comments feature for some reason.
UPDATE: The comment mystery is solved at least. I had user validation turned on.
SOLVED: Jack M writes: I located the Time Magazine from Jan. 30, 1978 with another picture and article by Hugh Sidey, the late Presidential Historian. It reads in part......
Almost with eagerness, Carter, Ford and Nixon followed Baker into an anteroom for a historic picture of the three. In a few minutes it was time for these people to take their places beneath the Capitol dome to honor Hubert Humphrey. Not since Truman, Eisenhower and Kennedy came together in Bonham, Texas at the funeral of Sam Rayburn in 1961 has such a gathering occurred.
Monday, September 18, 2006
Second floor and West Wing
A few minor adds to the second floor and West Wing and its patio.
Pete S suggested creating a page for reviews of movies that feature the White House prominently, meant to evaluate the accuracy of the portrayal. He has done The American President. Once we've got a couple more (feel free to volunteer!), I'll post it.
UPDATE: Actually, if you're reading this weblog, you're probably interested enough that I might as well let you see it in the draft stage.
Pete S suggested creating a page for reviews of movies that feature the White House prominently, meant to evaluate the accuracy of the portrayal. He has done The American President. Once we've got a couple more (feel free to volunteer!), I'll post it.
UPDATE: Actually, if you're reading this weblog, you're probably interested enough that I might as well let you see it in the draft stage.
Sunday, September 17, 2006
Did some maintenance on the grounds pages....
- Made a single medium-sized Grounds page, instead of a small version and large version and included colored areas for the new pages
- Added a page for the Childrens' Garden
- Added a page for the Oval Office Patio
- Added some pics to the Kennedy Garden page
- Added a 1992 HABS pic to the Putting Green page
Saturday, September 16, 2006
As the site grows, I’m trying to decide how best to present information without it becoming overwhelming. The White House site divides their room coverage into “Life in the Red Room” and “Red Room Art and Furnishings” and so on. But this seems kind of awkward to me, especially since pieces get moved around from one administration to the next. The White House site is mainly concerned with the rooms as they are today, with smatterings of history to make it interesting, whereas I want to allow people to see how the White House has changed over the decades. Still, the old Cabinet table with locking drawers currently in the Treaty Room is perfectly worthy of a bit of attention on its own, let alone the Lincoln bed and Resolute desk.
As a corporate training consultant, I’m also considering how to turn the site into more of a structured educational experience, with teaching aids and quizzes or whatever, so teachers can use it directly in their history lessons.
As a corporate training consultant, I’m also considering how to turn the site into more of a structured educational experience, with teaching aids and quizzes or whatever, so teachers can use it directly in their history lessons.
Quiet weekend
Just a few photo and text additions here and there, including the Sit Room and the Diplomatic Reception Room.
Thursday, September 14, 2006
Treaty Room and West Wing
Got a nice pic in the mail from visitor Barry of the Bush 2 Treaty Room. This really helps bring the second floor up to date. Also added a pic of President Nixon and darling daughter in the Rose Garden the day of his resignation.
I created a page for the corridor outside the Oval Office. I also added a few more pics sent by Pete: JFK's bedroom, WW mess corridor, Blue Room 1995 pic, Avenue in the Rain painting.
I created a page for the corridor outside the Oval Office. I also added a few more pics sent by Pete: JFK's bedroom, WW mess corridor, Blue Room 1995 pic, Avenue in the Rain painting.
Wednesday, September 13, 2006
Nixon's last day
Got a note from a Nixon presidential materials technician that my (free!) CD-ROM of photos of Nixon's last days is being shipped. Her note directed me to a UV Miller Center page where a selection of the photos is available. Wow! Some great images of the West Wing showing staff in their offices, including the President's Secretary's Office, the President's Dining Room, the Press Secretary's Office, and more. There were even some of Nixon's last lunch being prepared in the second floor Family Kitchen.
Second floor mysteries

The Truman Library archives weren't any help with the elevator, but I found a nice pic of the East Sitting Hall looking west that I somehow overlooked before.

Ancient relics
Made another pass thru the Library of Congress archives to clean up some source citations by adding links to the source files and found several more pre-1930 photos that I wanted to use, including some of the Red Room, Green Room, and Kitchen. One I found for the Living Room (when it was the state bedroom) was confusing. I already had a photo from 1893, but now I have two different photos from 1893. Anyone with some insight would have my gratitude. Do I have the dates wrong or are these before-and-after photos of the Harrison-Cleveland transition?
UPDATE: Visitor Dennis has suggested that the Harrison photos (you can see "Harrison" on a pillow) are probably earlier than 1893 and the new photo probably is post-Cleveland redecoration of 1893 (the LOC says 1893, so I'll stick with that).
UPDATE: Visitor Dennis has suggested that the Harrison photos (you can see "Harrison" on a pillow) are probably earlier than 1893 and the new photo probably is post-Cleveland redecoration of 1893 (the LOC says 1893, so I'll stick with that).
Tuesday, September 12, 2006
Upstairs at the White House
I finished JB West's Upstairs at the White House over the weekend and I'm just amazed. It's such a well-written account, personal and nostalgic but very balanced and easy to read. My discussions with other WH enthusiasts find that one thought Mrs. Kennedy was West's favorite and that one thought Mrs. Eisenhower was his favorite, while I thought Mrs. Truman was his favorite. I suppose it was ghost-written, but that's some pretty tricky writing.
Favorite moments:
Favorite moments:
- The Trumans going from being the "three musketeers" to "the lovebirds" when Margaret moved out
- Ike demanding that the White House police shoot any squirrels that come near his putting green, and the Secret Service explaining why this was a bad idea
- Stripping out the new nursery before Jackie Kennedy returned after her infant's death so she wouldn't have to see it
- The miscue that caused staff to nearly break in on a state dinner to move the furniture
- LBJ wandering around the mansion, turning off lights
- LBJ demanding a high-pressure shower system that made the plumbers marvel "I don't see how the man can stand it"
More miscellany
Between yesterday and today, I made a few more additions here and there:
- Added the Barber Shop to the West Wing (just a pic; no page yet)
- Created a page for the Putting Green (the link is there on the Grounds page, but there's no color on it yet, so consider it an Easter egg for the time being)
- Added the Johnsons moving in to the West Sitting Hall page
- Added a color pic Jerry Ford with Liberty to the Swimming Pool page
- Added an 1882 etching of the north face to the Residence page
- Added Amy Carter and Ronald Reagan to the West Bedroom page
- Added another FDR-era pic to the Yellow Oval Room
- Added a pic of Betty Ford in the Master Bedroom that nicely matched the one of Lady Bird Johnson
Sunday, September 10, 2006
Made a few miscellaneous additions, including:
- Created a page for the north hall on the ground floor
- Created a page for the family elevator
- Added a pic of the Kennedy's first Family Kitchen on the second floor
- Added a new pic of the Visitors Foyer
Saturday, September 9, 2006
West Wing Colonnade
Added a page for the West Wing Colonnade. This will be a good place to put historical pics of the old conservatories, but for now it just goes back to the 20s.
Added a couple of images for historical interest: Nixon playing the state piano in the East Room and, in the Queen's Bedroom, a cable from FDR to Churchill on his coming to the White House immediately after the Pearl Harbor attack.
Added a couple of images for historical interest: Nixon playing the state piano in the East Room and, in the Queen's Bedroom, a cable from FDR to Churchill on his coming to the White House immediately after the Pearl Harbor attack.
Friday, September 8, 2006
Bits and pieces
Added Truman post-renovation color(!) pics to the Red Room, Blue Room, State Dining Room, and Lincoln Bedroom from the 1952 Report of the Commission for the Renovation of the Executive Mansion. I already had good color pics of the East Room and Green room from that time, and those were the only other color plates in the book. Added a few Johnson pics from the UT - Johnson Library site, including President's Study. Added a Clinton-era pic of the Family Kitchen.
Added a page for the First Lady's Offices in the East Wing, accessible by clicking anywhere on the second floor. I don't have anything to say about the first lady's offices, and I'm not entirely certain that all three pics I've included are actually taken in the East Wing offices, but something is better than nothing here, I think.
Added a few tidbits of historical anecdotes to some of the rooms (Living Room, Press Briefing Room, State Dining Room) to liven them up, per the suggestion of visitor James.
Added a page for the First Lady's Offices in the East Wing, accessible by clicking anywhere on the second floor. I don't have anything to say about the first lady's offices, and I'm not entirely certain that all three pics I've included are actually taken in the East Wing offices, but something is better than nothing here, I think.
Added a few tidbits of historical anecdotes to some of the rooms (Living Room, Press Briefing Room, State Dining Room) to liven them up, per the suggestion of visitor James.
New front page
Got tired of the dull black and white photo of the swimming pool on the front page and replaced it with a cheery yellow pic of Betty Ford in the Solarium.
Also added the Kennedy Yellow Oval Room, LBJ taking a meeting in bed, JFK lying in state in the East Room, and a page for FDR's third floor Diet Kitchen.
Visitor James suggested that I add more historical anecdotes, which sounds like a good idea. I'll add some bits I've gleaned from JB West's book and elsewhere.
Also added the Kennedy Yellow Oval Room, LBJ taking a meeting in bed, JFK lying in state in the East Room, and a page for FDR's third floor Diet Kitchen.
Visitor James suggested that I add more historical anecdotes, which sounds like a good idea. I'll add some bits I've gleaned from JB West's book and elsewhere.
Third floor gala reopening
Arrived home to find the 1952 Report of the Commission on the Renovation of the Executive Mansion waiting for me, as ordered thru Amazon's used book function. This terrific book (thanks to John for the tip!) contains color photos from 1952 of the state floor rooms and the Lincoln Bedroom (which I'll photograph and add) and an appendix with all four floors of the Residence laid out!
I spent the night redrawing the third floor plan based on that layout. It allowed me to identify the location of a few more pictures from the Truman library (such as the Cedar Room), as well as some great shots of W in the Workout Room (provided by Pete). I still need to do a bit more work cleaning up the 1992 HABS photos and creating a couple new pages, including one for the Diet Kitchen.
I spent the night redrawing the third floor plan based on that layout. It allowed me to identify the location of a few more pictures from the Truman library (such as the Cedar Room), as well as some great shots of W in the Workout Room (provided by Pete). I still need to do a bit more work cleaning up the 1992 HABS photos and creating a couple new pages, including one for the Diet Kitchen.
Wednesday, September 6, 2006
Second floor fill
After reading the terrific chapters on the Truman-era White House in JB West's book, Upstairs at the White House, I did a little bit of cleanup on the second floor and went back into the Truman archives to fill in a few little holes here and there.
Also added a pic of JFK and one of Tom Ridge in the Mess Hall.
Also added a pic of JFK and one of Tom Ridge in the Mess Hall.
Monday, September 4, 2006
West Wing additions
Made some more additions to the West Wing, namely adding a page for the ground floor Mess Hall and hotspots for a couple of corridors and the lobby, as well as redoing the second floor layout based on Pete's improved version, complete with labels for the more important offices.
Made a few other futzy text additions here and there, including the Family Theater, Map Room, Vermeil Room. But it's time to go to bed; I just nodded off and typed about 3,000 letter "k"s.
Made a few other futzy text additions here and there, including the Family Theater, Map Room, Vermeil Room. But it's time to go to bed; I just nodded off and typed about 3,000 letter "k"s.
Sunday, September 3, 2006
East Wing and West Wing tweaks
Redid the West Wing ground floor with a revised layout from Pete that better illustrates the relationship between the Situation Room and the Swimming Pool cabana above it (and connected to it by a staircase). I also added a page for the Sit Room.
Also, I filled in some of the mystery space in the East Wing with the help of the (sketchy) layout in the appendix of Designing Camelot. While I was doing that, I came across new pictures of the Family Theater showing that it was redecorated in 2004, which I wasn't aware of.
Also, I filled in some of the mystery space in the East Wing with the help of the (sketchy) layout in the appendix of Designing Camelot. While I was doing that, I came across new pictures of the Family Theater showing that it was redecorated in 2004, which I wasn't aware of.
Second floor revisited
I've uploaded a new version of the family residence second floor based on a close look at a Truman-era floor plan sent by visitor John. This made me believe that the Kitchen's spiral staircase does not go up into the second floor, altho the elevator definitely does. Instead a small bathroom first installed by TR and later rebuilt by Truman to be more practical is probably still there, just made smaller.
I also made some minor additions elsewhere, including the Oval Office, Red Room, Blue Room, Press Corps Offices, Basement, Bowling Alley, and Residence pages.
I also made some minor additions elsewhere, including the Oval Office, Red Room, Blue Room, Press Corps Offices, Basement, Bowling Alley, and Residence pages.
Friday, September 1, 2006
West Wing ground floor and more
Visitor Pete sent a floor plan for the ground floor of the West Wing. I don’t have words to describe how great this is. I have to make one up: fanblastular (noun form: fanblastulence). I used it to create a floor plan to match the others I've done and posted that. In the coming days, I'll create pages for the Lobby, Photo Office, Navy Mess, and Situation Room. I also linked to Pete's incredible 3D Oval Office model. Once again, my thanks to Pete!
I also added a few photos in various places, including the Cabinet Room and Yellow Oval Room and improved several others (from higher quality sources or by reprocessing for color and brightness). And I also separated the questions & answers into a new page and updated the site map.
I've gotten a number of e-mails from regular visitors that I haven't had time to respond to yet, but I will. By chance, both John and Pete sent me scans of the same West Wing Lobby pic. Thanks guys!
I also added a few photos in various places, including the Cabinet Room and Yellow Oval Room and improved several others (from higher quality sources or by reprocessing for color and brightness). And I also separated the questions & answers into a new page and updated the site map.
I've gotten a number of e-mails from regular visitors that I haven't had time to respond to yet, but I will. By chance, both John and Pete sent me scans of the same West Wing Lobby pic. Thanks guys!
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